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Afvaart 'SS Waterman' op 21-06-1954 vanaf haven New York
Date of departure:
Departure port:
New York
Name of ship:
Van continent:
Naar continent:
Richard Gamble  
Richard B. Gamble  
Eleanore Shillard Gammill  
Judith Garland  
Naomi Garrett  
Mary Ellen Gee  
Edward George  
Charlene Gesell  
Barbara Gillam  
Gail Owen Gillbergh  
Jack Knight Gilliland  
Mildred Gingell  
Howard Gittis  
Johanna Giwosky  
Adam Glickman  
Alma Glock  
Carol Goessling  
Elizabeth Golden  
Elaine Goldberg  
Raeann Goldberg  
Donald Goldstein  
Ward Hall Goldthwaite  
Peter Gontrum  
Victor R. Gonzalez  
John M. Goodkind  
Alice Gordon  
Sarah Gothlin  
Phyllis Gould  
Esther Grant  
Gabrielle Gray  
Charles Gray  
Catherine Green  
Stephen Greenberg  
Judith Gregory  
Elisha Greifer  
Marie Gretjak  
Sylvia Grigul  
Maúd Maru Griswold  
Marion Grossman  
Nelson Grossman  
David Grumman  
Frances Guille  
Maxine Grady Gulley  
Anna Maria Gustafson  
Ilene Gutman  
Frank Gutmann  
Sadie B. Haagensen  
Madeline Haase  
Judson Hale  
Calvin Hallada  
Loretta Geil Hallister  
Lawrence Halpern  
John Halsted  
Erlene Hampton  
Cecily Hangen  
John Hanna  
Barbara Hanscom  
Steven Hansen  
Corinne Harpel  
Katherine Harrigan  
Babette Harrington  
Elizabeth S. Harris  
Stephen Harris  
Lorraine Harris  
Warren Blair Harshman  
Constance Ann Hauser  
Jeanne Hawes  
Joanne Hawkey  
Allen Hawthorne  
Ann Hayden  
Marilyn Hays  
Deborah Jane Hazzard  
Barbara Head  
Carol Heady  
Franc Heaton  
Barbara Heebner  
Joan Heil  
Lois Ann Helweg  
Mary Anne Herron  
Klaus Henschel  
Ina Dee Hess  
David Hester  
Charles Hilgartner  
Osgood Hilton  
Olivia Hilton  
Margery Himmelreich  
Ellen Hind  
Joan Hinman  
Joan Hirsh  
Pieter Hoets  
Phyllis A. Hoffman  
Eleanor Hoffman  
Access number:
318-04 Archieven van de Holland Amerika Lijn (HAL): Passage A
Inventory number:
Folio number:

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