Beginning researcher
The reading room staff are available if you need help viewing archive documents.
Documents that you can view in the reading room
You can view a number of items directly in the reading room, such as reference works, small prints of photos of people and streets. You can also immediately read microfiches containing the civil status yourself. We have special reading devices for that. You can make free scans of the microfiches.
Ordering digital reproductions
Ordering digital reproductions takes ten working days. For an urgent order, this is five working days.
For large quantities, we are happy to make an appointment with you about delivery.
How long does an answer to your information request take?
If you request information by email, you will receive a message the next business day that we have received your inquiry.
If you send a letter, you will receive a message from us within five working days that we have received your letter.
We will handle your question within three weeks. If this does not work, we will send you a message.
Requests for adjustment of data
Do you want data to be adjusted from a deed in 'Search by persons'?
We look at how the information is in the original deed. If the data is different, we will adjust it.
You will not receive a response whether the data has been adjusted. The changes will be visible in 'Search by people' within three weeks.
Ordering copies
If you order copies, you can pick them up the same day. This also applies to copies of construction drawings.
For large quantities, we are happy to make an appointment with you about delivery.
Availability by phone
The city archives are always directly accessible during opening hours.
If an employee is absent, the employee or a colleague will call back no later than the next working day.