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GV-1429 Geluidsregistratie van het Engelstalig liedje Stella by Artois door Kate McGarrigle. Incipit: In Rotterdam ...
Geluidsregistratie van het Engelstalig liedje Stella by Artois door Kate McGarrigle. Incipit: In Rotterdam '77 I had a birthday. Kate MacGarrigle, zang; Michel Moore, bass, George Young, klarinet.
08. Vooraankondiging (53' 54")
09. Stella by Artois (54' 22")
Einde opname: 58' 16".
Collectie Geluid
McGarrigle, Kate/ Warner Bros. Records Inc
Tekst: In Rotterdam, '77 / I had a birthday / We were on the road to nowhere / Lookin' for somewhere to make it a night / To call it a day / / And we drank cheap champagne from Italy / It was pink, alcoholic, and bubbly / And the boys in the band gave me a candle / Matches to light it for my bedside table / And I let you light it for the first time that night // So light the candle one more time / For tomorrow I'll be goin and I've grown used to the light / Night after night, the same glowin'/ Won't you light it just one more time // God knows, I want to stay / By your side naight and day / And to hold you and be held in return / As we did from the south of France clear trough to Galway / I can't help the things that I say // In rotterdam, '77 / I had a birthday
Kopie van een gedeelte (kant 1, nr. 6) van de langspeelplaat Pronto monto door Kate en Anna McGarrigle (BSK 3248)